Diabetes mellitus and self-care – Things patients must know about

Diabetes mellitus is a form of metabolic disease caused by an absolute or relative insulin deficiency. The World Health Organization estimates that over 422 million people have it, and that it will be the seventh leading cause of death by 2030. People living with Diabetes must pay increased attention to how they apply self-care strategies because the evolution of the disease and the disabilities that emerge from it depend on said strategies. A good behavior regarding self-care predicts a good evolution of the disease. Below we have some information on the importance of self-care as well as some incredible self-care tips.

Diabetes and Self-Care

Self-management strategies for patients who have diabetes are mandatory, because, like in any other chronic diseases, this is performed by the patient or their families on a daily basis. Specialists claim that in this condition’s case, seven habits seem to improve the status of the patient.

  • Healthy eating
  • Physical exercises
  • Blood sugar monitoring
  • Administration of appropriate medication
  • Risk-reducing behaviors
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Healthy coping skills

Used by medical staff as well, these strategies must be put into practice with no exceptions by all DM patients, as they are strongly linked to an incredible hypoglycemic control.

Self-Care Activities All Diabetic Patients Should Know About

Although educating diabetics is an important part that leads to a healthier life, with lower risks of disability and accentuated illness, putting into practice the education received is equally important. Some of the most important steps patients should follow are as described below.

  • Following a well-structured dietary plan
  • Avoiding foods high in fats
  • Self-glucose monitoring
  • Following a structured exercise and activity plan
  • Practicing good foot care.

Although many practitioners follow the goal of decreasing the glycosylated hemoglobin level, they shouldn’t neglect other important aspects of the patient’s life. Engaging in weight-loss activities might also improve the glycemic levels, as they help the patient regain a dietary balance. Nonetheless, all adults, suffering or not from diabetes, should engage in regular physical exercises.

These are some simple guidelines that will help DM suffers to manage more easily their condition. Also important for their families or care takers, these small adjustments might prevent the development of further medical issues, which in most of the cases can be extremely costly.