Managing Diabetes

blood tests for diabetes

The 4 Standard Blood Tests for Diabetes

How do you prepare for these?
diabetes at an advanced age

3 Tips to Manage Diabetes at an Advanced Age

As an older person, do you have any tips to regulate your blood sugar?
reduce your sugar intake

Reduce Your Sugar Intake with These 5 Tips

How do you cut back on sugar? If you want to improve your diet, it could be a good idea to reduce your sugar intake. After all, too much sugar can be very dangerous. So...
diabetic coma and how to prevent it

What Is a Diabetic Coma and How Can You Prevent It?

What preventative measures do you take?
warning signs of undiagnosed type 2 diabetes

5 Warning Signs of Undiagnosed Type 2 Diabetes

Do you know all the signs to look out for?
best herbal supplements for diabetics

5 Best Herbal Supplements for Diabetics

Have you tried #5?
link between diabetes and diarrhea

A Very Unpleasant Symptom of Diabetes Few People Talk About

Some things people don't like to talk about.
what are the possible side effects of Metformin

What Are the Possible Side Effects of Metformin?

Has this drug given you any side effects? Let us know in the comments.
link between diabetes and night sweats

Why Does Diabetes Make You Sweat at Night?

Is your #diabetes making you sweat at night? Let us know below.
herbs that lower blood sugar

5 Herbs That Lower Blood Sugar Naturally

Which one of these have you tried to treat your #diabetes?
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Can Drinking Alcohol Help Reduce Your Diabetes Risk?

We often hear that drinking a glass of wine during lunch has many health benefits. Recent research shows that reducing diabetes risk may be...
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5 Tips to Keep Your Blood Sugar Levels Stable

Immediately after eating, blood sugar levels rise significantly even for healthy individuals. These are called blood sugar spikes, and they can cause damage to...
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